1 Forest Avenue Portland ME 04101
Phone: 207-329-8041
Website: http://www.nagalokabuddhistcenter.org/
Biographical Info
Nagaloka Buddhist Center – Sangha Night – 6:45-8:30PM Wednesdays
“The bodhisattva practices not just meditation but dhyana paramita, the perfection of meditation. In other words, he or she practices meditation not for peace of mind (though that certainly does come) nor to get to heaven (though even that may come if desired). He or she practices meditation as one aspect of the path which
Categories: Maine
3 Barnard Ln STE 305 Bloomfield CT 06002 USA
Phone: (860) 952-9332
Website: https://ct.nalandabodhi.org
Categories: Connecticut
64 Fulton St. – Buzzer #4, Suite 400 Manhattan NY 10038
Website: http://nyc.nalandabodhi.org
Categories: NY Manhattan Lower
Categories: NY Upstate
58 Lowell Street Nashua NH 03064
Phone: 603 886-0114
Categories: New Hampshire
Categories: NY Upstate
Categories: Boston
st NewHaven CT
Phone: (203) 432-0935
Categories: Connecticut
193 Mansfield Street New Haven CT 06511
Phone: 203 787-0912
Categories: Connecticut
1007 New Brunswick Ave South Plainfield NJ 07080
Phone: 908-822-8620
Website: https://www.fgs.org.tw/branch/?BrID=E20107&
Categories: New Jersey
Categories: New Jersey
322 8th Ave. Suite 502 Manhattan NY 10001
Phone: 212-924-6706
Website: http://www.meditationinnewyork.org
Categories: NY Manhattan Lower
Ridgewood Unitarian Church; 113 Cottage Ridgewood NJ 07450
Phone: 914-714-8621
Website: http://uuridgewood.org/
Categories: New Jersey
331-332 Riverside Drive Manhattan NY 10025
Phone: 212 678-0305
Website: http://www.newyorkbuddhistchurch.org
Categories: NY Manhattan Upper Westside
214-22 Spencer Ave Parkside Hills NY 11427
Phone: 718 473 4378
Website: http://www.newyorkbuddhist.org
Categories: NY Near NYC
141 Spencer Street Brooklyn NY 11205
Phone: 718-809-2482
Categories: NY Brooklyn
28 West 27th Street, 10th Fl. Manhattan NY 10001
Phone: 212-213-4802
Categories: NY Manhattan Lower
PO Box 1790 Murray Hill Station Manhattan NY 10156
Phone: 917 441-0915
Website: http://www.nyimc.org/
Categories: NY Manhattan Mid Town
33-70 Prince St # 808 Flushing NY 11354
Phone: (917) 776-8551
Categories: NY Manhattan Lower
70A Greeenwich Ave., No. 333 New York City NY 10011
Phone: 212-666-0249
Website: http://www.zencare.org
Categories: NY Manhattan Lower
233 E. 67th. St. Manhattan NY 10021
Website: http://zenstudies.org/
Categories: NY Manhattan Mid Town
1 Rolfe’s Lane Newbury MA 01951
Phone: (508) 463-0131
Categories: Boston
Categories: Outside Boston
Atwood Chapel, St. Lawrence University C Canton NY 13625
Phone: 315-379-9564
Website: http://www.stlawu.edu/chaplain/multifaith-services-and-celebrations
Categories: NY Upstate
Categories: Maine
Categories: NY Queens
Categories: NY Upstate